Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.16.35

Hawaii, January 28, 1974 

Prakṛtiṁ vidhi me parām. So, puruṣāṁ śāśvatam, Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Person enjoyer, puruṣa. Puruṣa has got different features: personal expansion, personal feature, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Expansion feature also two kinds: svāṁśa, vibhinnāṁśa, His personal expansion and separated expansion. We are all separated expansion, vibhinnāṁśa, a small particle. Just like the sun, we are. The sunshine means combination of, what is called, sparking, sparking molecules, very small. The sunshine means they are not homogenous; they are small particles of shining, part and parcel of the sun. Similarly, we living entities, we are like that—a small particle, part and parcel of God. So we are also brightening, shining. We are not dull. But on account of our combination with the material nature, we have been covered. Therefore our shining quality is now stopped. Shining quality is now stopped. That is our forgetfulness about our relationship with the Supreme puruṣa, puruṣottama, uttama puruṣa. Uttama, madhyama, and adhyama. There are three grades of puruṣa. We are the lowest grade, adhyama. So, because we are adhyama puruṣa, therefore there is chance of our brightness being sometimes covered. But we can again revive our brightness and shine with the Supreme Person. As the sun and the sunshine, they are together shining, there is light, similarly, when we are again posted in our own constitutional position, and Kṛṣṇa is like the sun and we are shining particles, then our life is successful. That is wanted. 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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